I Grew Up With A Hero – Part 10

By Larry Shurilla

Red Wing by Jo Stafford with Paul Weston

Permit me to close this chapter of I Grew Up With A Hero with some of the lyrics from Red Wing, the whistled song that rekindled hope in the heart of Stalag Luft I POW, Clair Cline. Some 400,000 American warriors gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country and never returned home from World War II.

But when all the braves returned,
The heart of Red Wing yearned,
For far, far away, her warrior gay,
Fell bravely in the fray.

Now, the moon shines tonight on pretty Red Wing
The breeze is sighing, the night bird’s crying,
For afar ‘neath his star her brave is sleeping,
While Red Wing’s weeping her heart away.

Make America Great Again

July 4th, 2018

By Larry Shurilla

What makes America great?
Because we’re the biggest or richest kid on the block? Our swagger? Because might makes right? Because we’re beautiful?

I think not. True greatness is never measured in dollars and cents; it’s measured in honor and sense.

What makes America great and always has is that George Washington handed over his sword to Congress after the Revolutionary War.

What makes America great is that Abraham Lincoln emancipated the slaves by the shedding of blood with the musket and canon that matched the shedding of blood with the whip.

What makes America great is that Ben Franklin said and lived, “A penny saved is a penny earned.”

What makes America great is that the Statue of Liberty beckons the homeless to a new home of opportunity, even if they’re wretched and poor.

What makes America great is that one can worship God in their own way without the fear of broken crystal nights.

What makes America great is that we don’t need a wall to keep our citizens in and we don’t need a new wall to keep displaced families out.

What makes America great is that we can say whatever we want to, to whomever we want to, remembering we will be held accountable for the truthfulness of what we speak.

What makes America great is that we can bear arms to protect our families and hunt game, not to break into classrooms and murder children.

What makes America great is that we don’t really follow leaders, we follow the rule of law and so do they.

What makes America great is that we follow a Constitution that allows us to grow and change as a country. If we don’t like a law, we can change it. We can dump tea over board. If we’re doing something wrong, we can change it. We can take the whip out of the master’s hand. We can realize women have the right to vote, the right to fair employment, the right to work without harassment. We can put in writing that Civil Rights are deserved by all Civilians.

What makes America truly great is our sense of public virtue-not swearing, shunning pornography, gambling and addictive substances. Being honest. Following the Golden Rule. Going to church-many churches. Being Generous. Looking at a penny and remembering, “In God WE Trust.”

As you can see, we’ve got some work to do to Make America Great Again, but as I look around I see much good in our chosen land. Americans building homes for those that need one. Citizens raising funds to cure cancer, mental illness, muscular dystrophy, etc. Neighbors bringing over meals for the hurting, helping someone change a tire, stopping a leaky faucet or spending some time with the aged or chronically lonely.

These are the virtues that America was founded upon. These are the virtues that build integrity from within. These are the virtues that forge the steel strength of the United States of America. These are the virtues that can withstand any attack from our enemies, foreign or domestic. These are the virtues that make America great. Always have. Always will.